59 stores in France
9,000 m2 average store area
20,000 labels per store: mix of Continuum + DotMatrix
Equipped in grocery, kitchenware, gardening, toys, multimedia and electronics areasBetter reactivity
Supermarket consumers are extremely sensitive to price – and when Cora began to notice that Electronic Shelf Label (ESL) systems were allowing other supermarket groups to react quickly and aggressively to local competition, they chose to act.
In 2002, Cora had piloted another ESL system which did not satisfy its needs. Cora had been facing fierce competition from other supermarket groups that were already using electronic shelf labels as a tactical tool for aggressive pricing. Cora wanted to improve its price reactivity as well as price integrity.
They decided to run a pilot programme with Pricer in their store in Soissons, France. The solution needed to work smoothly with the company’s existing back-office system, and not interfere with their wireless network.
With most construction off-site, final installation took just one day – minimizing disruption.
Cora chose Continuum HCS and HCW electronic shelf label formats. These fit the store’s existing HL Slimline attachment system perfectly.
Staff manage ESL daily routines via the store’s workstations and WiFi PDAs.
Double backup guarantees security. Increased efficiency significantly reduces shrinkage.
Staff training was quick and easy – and a fully-trained maintenance team of Cora people makes the system completely autonomous. The Pricer solution brings inventories, next delivery dates, order quantities and more directly to the shelf at fixed times or on demand with an IR-key, greatly improving staff knowledge and reactivity.
Today, all Cora hypermarkets in France are equipped with Pricer labels.