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Insider Trends’ Cate Trotter interviewed Pricer’s chief marketing officer Duncan Potter about why the benefits of electronic shelf labels go far beyond pricing and just how retailers should be using them to save time and drive efficiency. Read the full article in Insider Trends, or a summary below.
Pricer a reçu le Prix d’Excellence 2021 de la Chambre de Commerce Suédoise en France (CCSF).
During 2021 Pricer conducted an analysis of shopping behaviour among consumers in key European economies during and post-pandemic, and recommended actions for retailers and their suppliers. At the bottom of this page, you can download all the different reports.
Le rôle du magasin et les enjeux liés à la mise en rayon ont dû évoluer pour faire face à la demande des consommateurs devenue de plus en plus complexe non seulement à gérer mais aussi à anticiper, les données historiques ayant perdu de leur valeur prédictive depuis la pandémie.
Black Friday will be a test case for retailers in terms of their ability to fulfil demand in a time of supply chain disruption, and also for customers in terms of whether they will put up with poor availability or shop elsewhere, says Duncan Potter, CMO of Pricer.
Sponsor de la 8ème édition de la Nuit du Commerce Connecté, Pricer renouvelle son engagement auprès de la profession en tant que partenaire stratégique au service de la transformation digitale des enseignes. Inventivité, excellence opérationnelle, durabilité... autant de valeurs que cette entreprise suédoise pionnière de l’étiquette électronique défend et partage avec l’écosystème du retail ...
Pandemic-fuelled price sensitivity is making European grocery shoppers less loyal to brands, prompting shoppers to switch to own-brand products, the latest research from Pricer, the world's most reliable provider of ESLs (Electronic Shelf Labels), has revealed.
For decades Pricer has been known as a producer of world-leading digitalization hardware and software for retail. The solutions have not only digitized the store shelf edge but also transformed how retailers use their store space and staff resources, supporting everything from dynamic pricing to time-efficient picking of online orders.
In October 2021, The Grocer, the market leading weekly for the UK grocery market, published an article on ESLs. Below is a summary and you can find the full article here.
Objectif Croissance avec Pricer Les étiquettes Pricer se révèlent un allié décisif pour les acteurs de la distribution désireux de voir leurs équipes en magasin gagner en efficacité opérationnelle afin de mieux se consacrer à l’essentiel : l’accueil et le conseil aux clients. Invité sur le plateau de BFM Business dans le cadre de l’émission Objectif Croissance, Gilles Gagnier, Directeur Général ...
There was a time when each unique item in a retail store had a price paper label attached to it. The ineffectiveness of the system led to the introduction of EAN codes. But retailers still had headaches from spending nights trying to update the printed paper labels along the store aisles. At least until they met Erik Danielsson.
Sensitivity to price and promotions among consumers is at an all-time high post pandemic, according to new research. So how can retailers react quickly to give their customers the information and reassurance they are seeking, as well as boost margin, asks Duncan Potter, CMO, Pricer.